วันเสาร์ที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2561


There is an old man named Geppetto. He has no son and is alone.
One day, he makes a puppet from wood.
Then surprisingly, the puppet starts moving.
“Your name is Pinocchio. You will be my good son.
 On the way to school, Pinocchio hears someone call out.
“The funniest puppet show! Hurry up! The show will be starting soon.”
At that moment, Pinocchio forgets his promise to Geppetto.
Pinocchio exchanges his books for a ticket and runs to the puppet show.
During the show, the puppets call Pinocchio.
“Pinocchio, come here! Come with us!”

Pinocchio jumps on the stage. It makes the owner angry.
“You ruined my show!”
The angry owner takes Pinocchio and locks him in a cage.
Pinocchio cries in a cage.
“Help me! Help me!”

Suddenly, Blue Fairy appears to Pinocchio.
“What’s wrong with you?
Why didn’t you go to school, Pinocchio?”
“The man forced me to come here.”
Pinocchio’s nose grows longer and longer.
“Your nose tells me when you lie. But if you become a good boy,
You will turn into a real boy. Will you promise me?”
“Yes, I will!”
Then, Pinocchio’s nose gets smaller again.
The Blue Fairy helps Pinocchio go back home.

On his way home, he meets a fox and a cat.
“I’m going to Toyland.”
“Why don’t you come with me?”
“No, I don’t want to go. I have to go home.
My daddy is waiting for me.”
But when Pinocchio sees the wonderful wagon, he changes his mind.
He jumps on the wagon.
Finally, they arrive at Toyland. Pinocchio gets very excited.
But he doesn’t notice himself changing.
He becomes a donkey with the tail and big ears.
“Oh, no! Help me! I don’t want to be a donkey!”
At last, Pinocchio escapes from Toyland.
He is searching for his daddy in a small boat.
“Daddy! Where are you? Is there anyone who has seen my daddy?”
Soon, a big whale swallows him. Pinocchio walks inside the whale.
He sees a light and an old man in a ship.
“Oh, my son!”
They hug each other.

“How can we get out of here?”Suddenly, Pinocchio has a good idea.
“Let’s start a fire and make smoke. Then the whale will sneeze us out.”
When the whale feels the fire and smoke, he sneezes and lets them out.
Geppetto and Pinocchio can go back home.
Pinocchio really regrets his behavior.
He really feels sorry to his father, Geppetto.
So the Blue Fairy turns Pinocchio into a real boy and they live happily ever after.

คำศัพท์ (Vocabulary) 
1. puppet = (n.) หุ่นกระบอก หุ่นเชิด
2. promise = (n./v.) คำสัญญา สัญญา รับคำ
3. call out = (v.) ตะโกนเรียก
4. forget = (v.) ลืม เผลอ นึกไม่ออก
5. exchange = (n./v.) การโต้เถียง การแลกเปลี่ยน
6. ruin = (n./v.) ซากปรักหักพัง การทำลาย ทำให้พินาศ
7. appear = (v.) ปรากฏ แสดงตัว เกิดขึ้น ดูเหมือน
8. force = (n./v.) กำลัง แรง อำนาจ บังคับ บีบคั้น ฝืนใจ ยัดเยียด
9. lie = (v.) โกหก
10. wagon = (n.) รถม้าบรรทุกสี่ล้อ รถเข็น รถโกดัง
11. escape = (n./v.) การหลบหนี หลบภัย ลี้
12. sink = (v.) จม ลดลง ตกต่ำ
13. swallow = (n./v.) การกลืน กลืนลงไป
14. sneeze = (n./v.) การจาม เสียงจาม จาม
15. regret = (n./v.) ความเสียใจ ความเสียดาย เศร้าโศก

แหล่งที่มาและข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมที่: https://bkkseek.com/pinocchio-short-stories/



Pinnochio There  is an old man named Geppetto. He has no son and is alone. One day, he makes a puppet from wood. Then surpri...